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Liberty High School Band Handbook

Course description

Corse Description
Marching Band is a 1 semester course designed to develop and enhance musical and marching skills of all students involved. Students participating in Marching Band should expect numerous additional performances and rehearsals outside of the school day. This course serves a PE credit for students who successfully complete the coursework.


ALL IN-This encompasses everything you do at LHS. It means always striving for excellence. Every rehearsal, game and competition matters. This is a personal goal, you are either All In or you aren’t, there is no halfway!!! Your goal while at LHS should be to get better every day.

Be Prepared- Come to rehearsals, class and performances ready (instrument, equipment, music etc…)

Be on Time- Rehearsal and class time is extremely valuable. Please arrange to arrive early for rehearsals and performances. This way everyone’s time is valued and respected.

Respect Others and Property- As a band, it is essential that we respect others and the property belonging to others or the school. Lack of respect for our peers and equipment prevents us from reaching our goals.

Attendance Policy

In order to ensure that our band can perform at our very best as well as ensuring the safety of performers on the field, attendance at rehearsals and games is critical.

Excused/ Unexcused Absences: Illness, medical emergencies, religious obligations and another equal school activity constitute excused absences. In regards to other school activities (Sports, clubs, etc…) Please make arrangements with Mr. Ebersole as well as your coach or club sponsor to ensure that there is a balance of time missed. (guidelines below). Students who have excused absences are STILL expected to complete missing work or complete alternate assignments. The following WILL NOT be considered excused absences: transportation issues (schedule is posted and students have ways to secure rides with friends if needed), homework (plan ahead), work (…plan ahead), or unequal school activities. Please make every effort to communicate possible conflicts in the schedule with Mr. Ebersole ASAP.

School Activities Conflicts: As your director, I truly enjoy when students are involved in many activities on campus. However, scheduling with multiple events can create stress and other issues. Below is a guide to help you manage conflicts between band and other school activities you may be involved in

Music Practice/Sports Game
Music Performance/Sports Practice
Music Practice/Sports Practice
Music Performance/Sports Game 
Sports Game
Music Performance
Split overlapping time evenly
Meet with Choir Director and Coach

Performance Attendance Policy- This policy applies to games, marching invitationals and other scheduled performances. Students who have not checked in with section leaders prior to call time without making prior arrangements to be late are subject to being pulled from that performance. The Band Room will be open 30-45 minutes before each call time. Students are expected to stay for the entirety of scheduled performances. Students may not leave early unless first cleared in advance by Mr. Ebersole. At the conclusion of performances, students will be dismissed as a group.

Rehearsal Attendance Policy- This policy is the MOST IMPORTANT factor in the success of the entire band. These additional Monday and Wednesday Rehearsals are crucial to learning drill and cleaning up the show for performances. Students should plan to arrive early and be at the field by 6:00pm. Students who miss a weeknight rehearsal unexcused will NOT be permitted to march in the next game/competition as it presents a safety hazard to other students as well as compromises the entire group. Students who miss rehearsals with excused absences are expected to demonstrate the missed material by the day before the event in order to still perform.

Sectionals- These are scheduled by each section of the band in advance. They may be before a normal evening rehearsal or after school. These are crucial to ensuring each section can better develop their music in a small group setting. This is also when many of the music checks occur.


School Day Attendance Policy- The attendance policy for the regular school day is in line with Peoria Unified School District and can be found below.


ATTENDANCE: If a student does not miss any school during each semester, they will be entered into the attendance reward program. If a student must miss class, parents/guardians are to call in excused absences within 24 hours of the student missing class to the attendance office at 623-773-6531. Unverified absences will result in disciplinary actions to be determined by administration. If a student accumulates five (5) unverified or ten (10) total absences in a semester class, or three (3) unverified or five (5) total absences in a quarter class, the student will be placed on a no-credit status.


NO CREDIT STATUS: The student is required to attend class, complete assignments, and take exams. Classroom behavior and attitude will be taken into consideration during the appeal. A progress grade will be kept while the student is on nocredit status. The progress reports and report cards during the semester will be marked with an “NC” until the appeal hearing.


APPEALS PROCESS: Parent/Guardian will need to complete the credit appeal form and turn it in to Liberty High School attendance by the date provided on the loss of credit notification form. The attendance department will contact the parent/guardian to schedule a date/time with the Attendance Review Committee. Failure to turn in the credit appeal form by the due date will result in an automatic loss of credit. The student is to attend the appeal hearing with at least one parent/guardian. The student will present the case and provide documentation to the committee which will be made up of an administrator, a counselor, and three teachers. The student and parent/guardian will be notified of the committee’s decision within two business days of the appeal. If the appeal is granted, the grade earned will be issued at the end of the course. If the appeal is not granted, an “NC” will be the final grade for the course, which may have to be repeated depending on the type of course and graduation requirements. However, if the final grade is a 59% or below, a grade of “F” will be posted to the transcript rather than the “NC”.


SWEEP: 1st Period Tardies: 1st period is the class that has the most tardies. To address this occurrence, our approach 1st period will be handled differently than the other class periods. Students who arrive to class after the final bell, with an unexcused tardy, will be sent to 1st period suspension “Sweep.” Students will remain in “sweep” for the duration of 1st period. “Sweep” is a consequence; it is not a study hall. A “swept” student MUST inform the classroom teacher of the tardy THAT SAME DAY or the make-up work may not be given to the student. Students not in class due to being swept will be given the opportunity to make up missed work subject to the following conditions: • It is done at the teacher’s convenience. • The make-up work should reflect the same competencies missed; however, it does not necessarily need to follow the same format. For example, a student who missed a true/false quiz may be given an essay quiz instead. • Teachers will set reasonable deadlines for make-up work.

Attendance Policy
Peformance Attendance

Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

During field rehearsals, phones are permitted when learning drill using the DrillBook Next app that our drill can be found on. Otherwise, students are expected to have phones away as to not disrupt rehearsals. Students will be advised as to when phone use is permitted. Failure to adhere to phone policy will result in losing your phone until the end of the school day. (per district policy). Students will be issued a cell phone pass where they will have their phone stored in the office until the conclusion of the school day. School Cell phone policy can be found below.


School Day: Please send students to the front office (athletics desk) with their phone – it will be kept and the student will be provided a pink pass stamped by the receptionist. If the student does not have a pink pass, then they did not turn in their phone.

1st Offense: Cell phone will be taken until the end of the day. Student will be given a warning & it will be noted in Synergy. The student will pick up their cell phone from athletics at the end of the day.

2nd Offense: Student will be assigned a lunch detention by administration & it will be noted in Synergy. The student will pick up their cell phone from athletics at the end of the day.

3rd Offense: Student will be assigned 2 days of lunch detention & it will be noted in Synergy. The parent will be called to let them know 3rd incident has occurred & ask them to come in to pick up phone and conference about situation.

Additional Offenses: On-campus then off campus suspension will be assigned by administration & parent meeting will be scheduled.


In order for students to maintain eligibility during the season and participate in any out of school performances, students must adhere to Liberty H.S academic eligibility guidelines. The No Pass/No Play policy can be found below.

PEORIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO PASS/NO PLAY PROCEDURE The following high school groups are affected by the “No Pass/No Play” school board policy: All Athletics, Spiritline, Speech-Debate, Marching Band, Choir, and Winterguard.

1. Coaches and activity sponsors will provide the athletic director with a list of participants. This list will be placed by sport and activity into the computer and each teacher will receive a copy of current participants enrolled in his/her class. This list will be updated periodically.


2. It is the teacher’s responsibility to give the student a yellow warning slip the week prior to the notice of failure. (A warning must be given at least once each term prior to the first failure notice for that period.)


3. It is the teacher’s responsibility on a weekly basis to fill out a notice of failure card on those students who are not passing. Cards will be turned into the athletic office by 9:00 AM each Friday morning. Any student not passing all classes will be declared ineligible. Failure to turn in cards could result in disciplinary action.


4. If a student’s performance during a given one-week interval places that student in a failing position, he/she should be listed as ineligible for the following week. Student’s grades are accumulated through the term.


5. The Athletic Director’s office will notify coaches and activity sponsors of students who are ineligible for the following week (Monday through Saturday.) A letter notifying parents of their student’s ineligibility will be mailed on Friday.


6. During a private conference with the student, the sponsor/coach will review with the student the options for remediation available to the student in order to clear the deficiency and resume eligibility status.


7. If a student turns in missing assignments on make-up work and this puts them in a passing position, the student can become eligible at that time.


8. Designated special education students are exempt from the policy unless there is a special documentation presented by the teacher that the failing grade is not related to the disability.


9. Teacher will initiate remediation activities and will be available to students before and after school during a mutually agreed time.


10. All teachers and counselors will be given a copy of the school board policy and become familiar with its contents.


11. College and university classes will be handled in the same manner as on-campus courses. They may be counted as part of the mandatory classes and require grade checks. It is the student’s responsibility to provide evidence to the athletic director that he/she is passing each week.


Dress Code

Below you may find the LHS dress code policy:

Arizona Law and District policy provide for a safe, positive school campus that is conducive to learning. Appropriate dress is critical to this effort. General guidelines to be observed are student’s attire should be neat, clean and modest. Clothing shall not be transparent, distracting or disruptive to the school environment. The following are specific guidelines to assist you and your student in making good decisions about what to wear to school.

1. Footwear is required on campus by state law, which prohibits bare feet in any public place.


2. No night wear including pajamas and slippers.


3. Tops must be modest and non-revealing as to not show: midriff, cleavage, bare backs, the sides of the body or bra straps. Undergarments such as sleeveless undershirts, tank tops, muscle shirts, halter tops, tube tops, and spaghetti straps are inappropriate. Garments with straps must be 2 inches or wider; jackets/sweaters are not options for “covering up” inappropriate clothing.


4. Pants, shorts and/or skirts must be reserved and appropriate length as to not reveal undergarments or skin through large holes, ragged or cut off garments.


 5. To promote positive school culture students are prohibited from wearing any clothing or accessories that have or endorse profanity, drugs/alcohol/tobacco, sexual or violent connotations or are gang related.


6. Other items that are prohibited, but not limited to that which is stated, to maintain a safe, positive and learning culture at school are as follows: 1. Bandanas, sweatbands, hairnets, beanies, “do rags”, overcoats, trench coats, or similar styled clothes may not be worn on campus. 2. Spiked jewelry, wallet chains, chain belts or extremely long belts are not allowed. 3. Hats, visors, sunglasses and hoods may not be worn in school buildings.


The administration and staff will enforce this dress code consistently and fairly. A student whose mode of dress is deemed to be unsuitable or inappropriate may be asked by the administration to make necessary corrections in personal appearance. Students may receive consequences for violation of any part of the dress code. School dress is expected at school and all school functions.

Dress Code Policy: Send students to the athletics office – they will be given an item to change in to and then sent back to class with a pass.

1st Offense: Warning, student is to change apparel & it is noted in Synergy


2nd Offense: Student receives a lunch detention must change & it is noted in Synergy


3rd Offense: Student receives 2 lunch detentions & the parent is called by administration. The student must change & it is noted in Synergy. Additional Offenses: On-campus then off campus suspension will be assigned by administration & parent meeting will be scheduled.

director that he/she is passing each week.

Dress Code

Uniform Guidelines

-Uniforms will be issued and collected from their assigned rack in the storage room before and after every performance. Garment bags are to be folded and placed in the storage container.


-No beverages other than water are permitted while in uniform


-Tall black socks should be worn while in uniform. (No ankles showing)


-Food is limited to items such as: Chips, Pretzels (anything that won’t stain your uniform)


-All hair must be worn up so that it fits inside the rim of the hat.


-Students are responsible for the upkeep of their uniforms. Each uniform cost around $500 total so it is crucial that we keep them in great condition. There will be a Dry Cleaning service charged to every student at the beginning of the year.



Storm the Halls- Every home football game Friday. Report times 7:00AM

Assemblies- During the school day. Take place during 2nd hour.

Football Games-

9/2-vs. Sunrise Mtn                                                    10/21-@ Mountain Ridge                 

9/9- vs. Pinnacle HS                                                     10/28-vs Sandra Day O’Connor (Pink Week)

9/30-@ Saguaro HS                                                    11/4-vs. Centennial HS (Senior Night)

10/7-@ Basha HS                                                        11/10-@ Boulder Creek HS 

10/14-vs. Brophy Prep (Homecoming)                                                         


Competition Schedule:

10/1-Basha HS Marching Invitational

10/8-Shadow Ridge HS Invitational

10/22-Agua Fria HS Invitational

11/5-Youngker HS Invitational

11/12-AZMBA State Championship

Winter Concert:

December 13th -6:30 PM




30%-Aligned Checks (Games, Performances, music checks, marching checks)

50%-Major Assessments and Projects (Rehearsals, Pass Offs)

20%-District Assessment (Computer based District Final Exam)

Facilities Guidelines


In an effort to keep our space in good working order, please ensure the following happens in our space:

-Turn off lights when you leave a room

-Ensure breezeway doors are closed if you are the last one out to the field

-Throw away all trash (water bottles, wrappers, etc…)

Honor Band/All-State Info

Students in good standing are eligible to audition for honor bands. Available groups include: District Honor Band, Regional Band and if eligible, All-State Band. Audition materials can be requested from Mr. Ebersole. Auditions usually take place in late December or early January and the cost is about $20 for Regional auditions.


Here is a list of communication tools that are available for students and parents in order to stay updated on events and activities throughout the season.

Email- Please ensure your contact information (phone/email) is up to date with the front office

LHSMEA Email Blasts- Emails regarding fundraisers and other events and news regarding the band program will be regularly sent via our booster club and Mr. Ebersole

Booster/Music Webpage-

Band App- This app has updates on events as well as a built-in schedule-

Honor Band
Download the Handbook to sign and date and return to Mr. Ebersole during the first week of school.
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